Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Mr and Mrs DMK

"I Pronounce You Husband and Wife"

Baraka Allahu Lakuma wa Baraka alikuma 
Wa jamaah baina kuma fee khair..

* When picture tells more than just a word *

"We're here on this special day, our hearts 'r full of pleasure.."

"The day that brings the two of you, close together.." 

"We're gathered here to celebrate, a moment you'll always treasure, we ask Allah to make your love, last forever...."

"From now you'll share all your joys.
Parts of ya'll support each other"

"Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure
We pray that He will bring your life
With happiness and blessings
And grant you kids. AMIN"

PS: The pictures of our akad nikah. For the story behind the pictures, ill tell you later :) Thank God for everything. Thank Maher Zain for the beautiful wedding song and I thank you for reading my blog generously..

Finally, i become Mrs. DMK :))))))))))))))))

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Prewedding Photo Shoot

Whaaaaatttt? Ini udah tinggal 6 hari lagi menuju pelaminan...dohh siap-siap ganti status :)) minta doanya yh temen2 blogger semua...

Btw, udah sangat lama jg yh dari terakhir kali aku posting tentang persiapan wedding ini.. Nah sekarang aku mau post foto-foto prewed aku nih...

Photografer nya dari Yanks Photography .. bisa diliat di web nya contoh2 fotonya, tapi web nya kurang update, dia lebih sering berkeliaran di FB. Kebetulan doi tetangga ku, jadi gampang kalau perlu tambahan apa2 hihii...Kalau mau kontak dia buat booking foto prewed atau wed bisa add pin bbnya 2738a795 an Meta.

Well, foto diambil semua di daerah Sukabumi. Secara aku males banget pergi2 keluar daerah. Jadi si pacar dengan sukarela harus melancong kesini. Shoot pertama di perpustakaan kota. Ada kejadian lucu pas mu foto disini. Si ibu penjaganya kaget, dia pikir mau ada pemotretan majalah hihihi (jdi berasa model *ehem*)
Shoot kedua di daerah bojong.. Tempat para ilalang berada...

So... Inilah hasil jadi model dadakan selama ampir 8 jam... Capee juga lohh huhuuhu